姓名: 沈俊
性别: 男
诞辰期: 1988-10
降生地: 江西省九江市
邮箱: shenjun@cug.edu.cn; shenjun_2009@163.com
2009.09—2011.06, 中国地质大学(武汉), 硕士
2011.09—2014.12,中国地质大学(武汉), 博士
2018.01—2020.11, 中国地质大学(武汉), 副沟通员(副接济)
长江学子 (2014) (湖北省10东谈主)
国度奖学金 (2012)
沟通趣味为探究地史期间火山行径对地球宜居性的影响。频年来,在海外期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,第一作家省略通信作家SCI论文21篇:包括NI论文13篇,Nature Communications (4篇),Geology(3篇),Earth and Planetary Science Letters (6篇),Earth-Science Reviews (2篇),有6篇第一作家论文入选“ESI高被引”论文。担任Geology 编委(Editorial Board)、Earth and Planetary Science Letters参谋人编委(Advisory Board member)、Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 副主编(Associate Editor)。
国度当然科学基金委要点神志:特提斯演化经由中火山行径对古、中生代之交的陆海出产者偏激环境的影响 (2021-2024,排行第二)
第一作家和通信作家论文列表 (* 默示通信作家):
Xu, G., Shen, J.*, Algeo, T.J., Yu, J.X.*, Feng, Q.L., Frank, T.D., Fielding, C.R., Yan, J.X., Deconink, J.F., Lei, Y., 2023. Limited change in silicate chemical weathering intensity during the Permian–Triassic transition indicates ineffective climate regulation by weathering feedbacks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 616, 118235.
巨乳pornShen, J., Chen, J.B., Yu, J.X., Algeo, T.J., Smith, R.M.H., Botha, J., Frank, T.D., Fielding, C.R., Ward, P.D., Mather, T.A., 2023. Mercury evidence from southern Pangea terrestrial sections for end-Permian global volcanic effects. Nature Communications, 14, 6.
Shen, J., Algeo, T.J., Feng, Q.L., 2022. Mercury isotope evidence for a non-volcanic origin of Hg spikes at the Ordovician-Silurian boundary, South China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 594, 117705.
Shen, J., Yin, R., Algeo, T.J., Svensen, H.H., Schoepfer, S.D., 2022. Mercury evidence for combustion of organic-rich sediments during the end-Triassic crisis. Nature Communications, 13, 1307.
Zhan, H., Shen, J.*, Algeo, T.J., Racki, G., Chen, J.B., Huang, C., Song, J.J., Qie, W.K., Gong, Y.M., 2022. Mercury isotope evidence for regional volcanism during the Frasnian-Famennian transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 581, 117412.
Shen, J., Yin, R.., Zhang, S., Algeo, T.J., Bottjer, D.J., Yu, J.X., Xu, G.Z., Penman, D., Wang, Y.D., Li, L.Q., Shi, X., Planavsky, N.J., Feng, Q.L., Xie, S.C., 2022. Intensified continental chemical weathering and carbon-cycle perturbations linked to volcanism during the Triassic–Jurassic transition. Nature Communications, 13, 299 . (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Shen, J.*, Chen, J.B., Algeo, T.J., Feng, Q.L., Yu, J.X., Xu, Y.G., Xu, G.Z., Planavsky, N.J., Xie, S.X., 2021. Mercury fluxes record regional volcanism in the South China craton prior to the end-Permian mass extinction. Geology, 49, 452-456. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
卢贤志,沈俊*,郭伟,冯庆来,2021. 中上扬子地球奥陶纪-志留纪之交火山作用对有机质富集的影响,地球科学,doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.258
Shen, J.*, Feng, Q.L., Algeo, T.J., Liu, J.L., Zhou, C.Y., Wei, W., Liu, J.S., Them, T.R., Gill, B.C., Chen, J.B., 2020. Sedimentary host phases of mercury (Hg) and implications for use of Hg as a volcanic proxy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 543, 116333. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Shen, J.*, Yu, J.X., Chen, J.B., Algeo, T.J., Xu, G.Z., Feng, Q.L., Shi, X., Planavsky, N.J., Shu, W.C., and Xie, S.C., 2019. Mercury evidence of intense volcanic effects on land during the Permian-Triassic transition. Geology, 47, 1117-1121.
Shen, J.*, Algeo, T.J., Planavsky, N.J., Yu, J.X., Feng, Q.L., Song, H.J., Song, H.Y., Rowe, H., Zhou, L., Chen, J.B., 2019. Mercury enrichments provide evidence of Early Triassic volcanism following the end-Permian mass extinction. Earth-Science Reviews, 195, 191-212.
Shen, J.*, Chen, J.B., Algeo, T.J., Yuan, S.L., Feng, Q.L., Yu, J.X., Zhou, L., O`Connell, B., Planavsky, N.J., 2019. Evidence for a prolonged Permian-Triassic extinction interval from global marine mercury records. Nature Communications, 10: 1563. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Lei, Y., Shen, J.*, Algeo, T.J., Servais, T., Feng, Q.L., Yu, J.X., 2019. Phytoplankton (acritarch) community changes during the Permian-Triassic transition in South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 519, 84-94.
Shen, J.*, Algeo, T.J., Chen, J.B., Planavsky, N.J., Feng, Q.L., Yu, J.X., Liu, J.L., 2019. Mercury in marine Ordovician-Silurian boundary sections of South China is sulfide-hosted and non-volcanic in origin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 511, 130-140. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Liu, K., Feng, Q.L., Shen, J.*, Khan, M., Planavsky, N., 2018. Increased productivity as a primary driver of marine anoxia in the Lower Cambrian. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 491, 1-9.
Shen, J.*, Feng, Q.L., Algeo, T.J., Li, C., Planavsky, N.J., Zhou, L., Zhang, M.L., 2016. Two pulses of oceanic environmental disturbance during the Permian-Triassic boundary crisis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 443, 139-152.
Shen, J., Schoepfer, S.D., Feng, Q.L., Zhou, L., Yu, J.X., Song, H.Y., Wei, H.Y., Algeo, T.J., 2015. Marine productivity changes during the end-Permian crisis and Early Triassic recovery. Earth-Science Reviews, 149, 136-162.
Shen, J., Zhou, L., Feng, Q.L., Zhang, M.H., Lei, Y., Zhang, N., Yu, J.X., Gu, S.Z., 2014. Paleo-productivity evolution across the Permian-Triassic boundary and quantitative calculation of primary productivity of black rock series from the Dalong Formation. South China. Science China Earth Sciences, 57, 1583-1594.
Shen, J., Algeo, T.J., Hu, Q., Xu, G., Zhou, L., Feng, Q., 2013. Volcanism in South China during the Late Permian and its relationship to marine ecosystem and environmental changes. Global and Planetary Change, 105, 121-134.
Shen, J., Lei, Y., Algeo, T.J., Feng, Q.L., Servais, T., Yu, J.X., and Zhou, L., 2013. Volcanic effects on microplankton during the Permian-Triassic transition (Shangsi and Xinmin, South China). Palaios, 28, 552-567.
Shen, J., Algeo, T.J., Feng, Q.l., Zhou, L., Feng, L.P., Zhang, N., 2013. Volcanically induced environmental change at the Permian–Triassic boundary (Xiakou, Hubei Province, South China): Related to West Siberian coal-field methane releases? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 75, 95-109.
Shen, J., Algeo, T.J., Hu, Q., Zhang, N., Zhou, L., Xia, W., Xie, S., Feng, Q., 2012. Negative C-isotope excursions at the Permian-Triassic boundary linked to volcanism. Geology, 40, 963-966.
Shen, J., Algeo, T.J., Zhou, L., Feng, Q., Yu, J., Ellwood, B.B., 2012. Volcanic perturbations of the marine environment in South China preceding the latest Permian extinction event and their biotic effects. Geobiology, 10, 82-103.